Cocktail Celebration with the ASHP Foundation

Foundation Event

ASHP Foundation Cocktail Celebration

Monday, June 10, 2024
6:30 p.m.—7:30 p.m.
Deschutes Ballroom, Hyatt Regency Hotel

Wind down your day by joining the ASHP Foundation at our donor appreciation reception. Have fun networking with your colleagues over cocktails and hors d'oeuvres while also learning more about the ASHP Foundation and how we support ASHP members.

Supported by our generous Platinum Corporate Partners: Alexion, Fresenius Kabi, Omnicell, and QuVa Pharma, this reception is our opportunity to thank our wonderful donors, whose generous gifts fund health-services research, leadership development, and educational programs that support ASHP priorities and promote improved health outcomes for patients.

Also, we invite all donors to visit the ASHP Foundation at the ASHP Experience Center in the Exploration Hall to learn more about our open programs and current initiatives – and to pick up your special donor appreciation gift.

The reception is open to all, and the Foundation welcomes donations of any size for our general fund to support moving pharmacy forward. Every dollar makes a difference! So, if you can't join us, please consider making a gift!

donate now

Sponsorship Opportunity: Sophia the AI Robot

This year’s ASHP Pharmacy Futures 2024 meeting will include ASHP's first-ever artificial intelligence (AI) summit — a topic that will be integrated throughout the entire event, including as part of high-profile keynote addresses, educational content, poster and pearl sessions, and the exhibit program. The integration of the AI summit into the meeting will allow pharmacy leaders, managers, practitioners, and innovators to collaborate and explore the impactful integration of AI in healthcare.

To amplify and enhance the AI experience for all attendees, Sophia the Humanoid, an AI robot from Hanson Robotics, will be a key feature of the Pharmacy Futures meeting. As a unique combination of science, engineering, and artistry, Sophia is simultaneously a human-crafted science fiction character depicting the future of AI and robotics, and platform for advanced robotics and AI research.

Through a sponsorship of Sophia, we invite you to participate in a unique way in this brand-new, dynamic ASHP event which brings together pharmacy practitioners, practice leaders, and preceptors to explore the cutting edge of pharmacy practice, to collaborate and innovate, and shape the future of the practice.

view the prospectus

Thank you to our Corporate Partners

The ASHP Foundation is thankful for our Corporate Partners and their generous support throughout the year. Be sure to visit them in the Exploration Hall!

Learn more about the ASHP Foundation at the 2024 ASHP Pharmacy Futures on our website.